To develop a digital special project that would be very different from the typical Black Friday brand communications. In 2020, when absolutely everything was happening online.
It's not just events that can be brought online, but also natural phenomena. In December 2020, there was a solar eclipse that could be seen in Argentina, Chile and ... on the Citymobil website. We made a site that "drove" the user to this unusual event. Before the event the site was completely white and only during the eclipse it got covered in darkness with a promo code from Citymobil. The eclipse on the site lasted exactly as long as the astronomical eclipse - only 2 minutes and 10 seconds.
In a very short period of only 2 minutes, 1,500 Citymobil customers had time to copy the unique promo code. We also got excellent coverage on social media - two million views of the announcement on VK.
За очень короткий период действия сайта — всего 2 минуты — 1500 клиентов Ситимобил успели скопировать уникальный промокод, а также мы получили отличный охват в социальных сетях 2М ВК просмотров анонса акции.