Develop idea for the campaign and the visual style for the event geared towards the female audience of adidas brand.
We developed a visual style that helped to strengthen perception of adidas as a brand for women. We designed the materials for partners and event guests that helped to give the event greater visibility.
The goal of the event was to strengthen the perception of adidas as a brand for women by virtue of introducing the bra fitting service at the adidas corners and to support the brand’s overall idea “I create myself.”
We developed the campaign’s idea along with the mechanics of partners’ activation, the packaging for gifts given to the invited influencers, the videos and the visual style of the venue’s decoration at the Tsvetnoy Central Market.
For the brand’s partner, a cycling studio, we developed an interactive zone with bikes where the guests could compete with each other. The main activation idea was a race against the backdrop of media panels with changing landscapes that were designed in the event’s overall style. Each winner of the race received a gift certificate for two visits to the cycling studio.
For the invited influencers we developed an adidas gift box with “I create myself” concept. The box’s design was based on the event’s overall style and used the typography built around the important daily activities of athletic self-made adidas girls, such as 6am alarm, running, sports, inspiration, and energy.